
New Jersey Family Law Blog


Is the Marital House Worth Fighting For?

The distribution of assets is one of the biggest hurdles, after matters pertaining to children, that a divorcing couple faces. While it may be easy to assign ownership to certain assets, big-ticket items like the family home are a different story. Some couples just want a clean break. They sell…


Learning How to Face the Unique Challenges of Co-Parenting

One of the difficult end-products of divorce is learning to navigate the unique challenges of co-parenting. Coordinating schedules and synchronizing parenting styles with your ex while dealing with your own mixed emotions and lifestyle adjustments is hard but necessary for the sake of the children. The good news is you’re…


Celebrating the Holidays Post-Divorce

Celebrating the holidays after divorce can be an extremely stressful situation. During this season, we put a lot of emotional value on family traditions, which are often passed down from generation to generation. These traditions are what make our holiday celebrations uniquely special, but they are also what makes facing…


Cohabitation Agreements and Prenups – Similar Yet Different

By now, most people understand that a prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is not something that applies only to the rich and famous. In fact, a prenup can save a lot of time, pain and emotional turmoil for any married couple should their marriage end in divorce. But what is a…


Helping Children Cope With Divorce

Divorce is an emotional, complex process and it can be painful for everyone involved – especially the children. While parents are busy hashing out the terms of their divorce, including finances, asset distribution and custody arrangements, the children are left to deal with a lot of uncertainties as they watch…


Investing Too Much in the Wedding Can Hurt the Marriage

If your dreams of the perfect wedding include lavish venues, exclusive designer gowns, gourmet food and star-studded entertainment, your marriage could be in trouble before it even starts. A recent survey found that almost half of those couples who went into debt to finance a lavish wedding eventually considered divorce,…


Developing an Effective Parenting Plan

Raising kids can be a tough job and most couples are thankful they have each other to lean on especially when the more complex issues of child-rearing come up. What happens, though, when those couples split? Divorce throws parenting into a whole new context. Couples who once willingly cooperated for…


Focus On Your Finances Before Divorce

It isn’t unusual in a marriage for one spouse to assume responsibilities for managing the family finances and investments. Hopefully, that spouse has a good handle on the family’s overall financial health; the non-managing spouse, on the other hand, too often is unaware of details that could serve him or…

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