
New Jersey Family Law Blog


Bills Offering More Protection to Domestic Violence Victims Win Assembly Judiciary Committee Approval

Last month the NJ Assembly Judiciary Committee approved three bills designed to help the New Jersey’s domestic violence victims. The bills address the issues of bail restrictions for restraining order violators, self-defense justification pleas, and lease and rental protections for domestic violence victims. (1) Under the first bill, violators of…


Parents Fight School District’s 24/7 Behavior Policy

Can schools dictate student behavior when classes are not in session? That’s the basis for a court battle between parents and the Haddonfield School District. At issue is the District’s “24/7 Policy” which states underage students caught drinking will be barred from sports and other extra-curricular activities. (1) The school…


New Bill Seeks More Training, Parent Involvement for Teen Drivers

A State lawmaker has introduced a new bill that would amend New Jersey’s Graduated Driver’s License program to provide teens with more training and require parental involvement before those teens could obtain their driver’s licenses. (1) This bill comes in response to a national study conducted by the American Automobile…


U.S. Pressures Japan to Act on International Parental Child Abductions

Child custody issues are difficult enough to resolve, but when parents abduct their children to foreign countries, the matters become even more complicated. Child abductions to Japan by parents or other family members prove to be among the most complicated to resolve. The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects…


Proposed Law Could Make It Easier to Collect Child Support Payments across State Lines

Child support is a court-ordered payment made by the non-custodial parent to help with the expenses of raising the child. It helps to assure that both parents retain responsibility for their children and that children do not suffer financially from the divorce of their parents. Laws regulating child support payments…


“Operation Take Back New Jersey” Offers Safe Way to Dispose of Medications

On Saturday, September 25 New Jersey residents can safely dispose of their expired or unneeded medications through the federal Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) “Operation Take Back New Jersey.” (1) The program was introduced last year in an effort to provide New Jersey residents with a safe and legal way to…

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