Photographed by Daniel Case 2006-07-27 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A bill pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee, if passed, would increase representation for children in parental rights termination cases. (1) Termination of parental rights is a serious, irrevocable action in New Jersey. If, after reading the following, you need assistance with…
New Jersey Family Law Blog
“Preglimony” – A Fair Financial Arrangement or A Setback to Women’s Rights?
Pregnant lady in beautiful pick flowing dress. People at Morro Bay, CA Fourth of July 2011 Celebration (Photo credit: mikebaird) Everyone is familiar with alimony, “palimony” and child support, but is society ready for “preglimony?” That’s the debate taking place in legal circles today (1). If, after reading the following,…
Bill Looks to Ensure Conscionability of Prenuptial Agreements
A couple of 14-carat gold wedding rings. Picture taken in Brazil, where 14-carat is the most common kind of gold used in jewelry. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The State Senate recently approved a bill that would change the way courts in New Jersey look at prenuptial agreements. Judges in divorce cases,…
In Divorce, Paying Attention to Details Can Avoid Future Problems
Newt Gingrich, Advance Directive Advocate (Photo credit: Mike Licht, Although divorce can be a very emotional experience, keeping a clear head concerning certain practical matters can help to avoid additional heartache down the road. If, after reading the following, you need a Hunterdon County lawyer to assist you with…
Changing Your Name Following Divorce Is Easy, but Take Care to Avoid Complications
ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Photo credit: Heather Quintal) Although its origins date back to a time when women had few individual rights, the custom of women taking their husbands’ names at marriage is still popular. (1) It can be a symbol of unity as a couple starts their married life together. If the…
NJ Child Support Payment Guidelines Don’t Always Help
When a couple with children divorces in New Jersey, child support payments are determined with the help of guidelines established by court rule. (1) Because our lives are not stagnant, circumstances can arise that turn what was once considered a fair payment into a hardship. Usually these circumstances involve a…
Are New Jersey’s Alimony Laws Due for an Update?
alimony (Photo credit: Kalense Kid) Massachusetts recently updated its alimony laws to reflect our changing times. (1) Will New Jersey soon follow the example? If after reading the following you need assistance with an alimony issue, particularly in Hunterdon County, contact the family law attorneys at The Rotolo Law Firm…
Impact of Divorce on Your Income Tax Returns Can Be Costly
Tax (Photo credit: 401K 2012) When a couple faces divorce, the IRS and taxes are probably the last things on their mind. Divorce, however, carries tax implications that, if ignored, could cost you plenty down the line. The following covers a few basic facts you should be familiar with regarding…
Divorcing an Absent Spouse Requires Detective Work
Your marriage failed. You are convinced there is no saving it. You want a divorce. The problem is you have no idea where your estranged spouse is, and the law requires you inform him or her of your intentions before a divorce is granted. Does this mean you are at…
Annulment v. Divorce – What Is the Difference?
English: Kris Humphries playing with the Dallas Mavericks (Photo credit: Wikipedia) When the marriage of former NJ Nets player Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian ended, Humphries sought an annulment over a divorce. (1) Both actions have essentially the same results – ending the union between a man and a woman…