When we lose a spouse or parent, it is not uncommon for loved ones to be left to clear up his/her affairs and financial matters. It is natural to want to do this quickly while mourning, but our haste could lead to taking responsibility for matters for which we aren’t…
New Jersey Family Law Blog
Live-In Couples Need to be Aware of Differences, Changes in Palimony Laws If They Plan to Collect
Couples who live together without the benefit of marriage cannot benefit from the protections of divorce and alimony laws should their relationship end. Instead, these couples can resolve their financial issues through a contractual arrangement referred to as “palimony.” (1) There are differences, however, between alimony and palimony that, if…
In New Jersey Premarital Agreements Now Require More Consideration Than Ever
If you are considering a prenuptial agreement, carefully review all aspects of the contract before signing. A recent revision to the New Jersey Uniform Premarital and Pre-Civil Union Agreement Act makes it harder than before to break that agreement, even if circumstances change. (1) A prenuptial agreement, also referred to…
State Turns to Technology to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence from Repeated Abuse
New Jersey may soon use electronic monitoring devices to track certain repeat domestic violence offenders, offering their victims an extra layer of protection. Last month, the state General Assembly passed a bill allow a pilot program be conducted in Ocean County, whereby Ocean County courts could order persons charged or…
Governor Vetoes Bill to Eliminate Waiting Period for Marriage Licenses
Any ideas that New Jersey would compete with Las Vegas for the spontaneous wedding trade were squashed last month when Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill that would have ended the waiting period for obtaining a marriage license in the State. (1) Supporters of the bill claimed the change could…
Bill Would Grant Adoptees Access to Birth Records While Protecting Birth Parents’ Privacy
When it comes to adoptions, the question of whose rights should take precedence – those of the adopted child or those of the biological mother – has long been debated. However, a new bill recently cleared by the State’s Health Committee may have found the compromise. (1) In general, there…
Supreme Court Grants Marriage Rights to Gay Couples But Defers to States to Set Their Own Marriage Policies
In a landmark decision this week, the U.S. Supreme Court passed down a ruling that would give gay couples in state-sanctioned marriages the same federal rights and protection given to traditional married couples. This ruling overturned the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed into law by Pres. Bill Clinton in…
Use Diligence to Keep Children Safe around the Water
Memorial Day has passed, temperatures are rising and the school year is rapidly coming to an end. This is the time of year when attention turns to summer vacations and, for many, that means taking to the water. Whether you plan to enjoy the beach, a lakeside resort or your…
Underage Drinking Laws Carry Consequences for Both Minors and Adults
What started as a celebration ended in potentially serious consequences for a Lebanon Borough couple on May 17. Police, responding to a noise complaint, charged the couple with serving alcohol to minors after it was discovered that the approximately 40 party-goers included an undisclosed number of underage persons.(1) Under New…
When An Engagement Is Broken, Who Is Entitled To The Ring?
The engagement ring has long been a symbol of a couple’s intention to wed. But what happens to that ring if the engagement is broken? It was recently reported that a New York City man filed a suit against his ex-fiancé, a Hillsborough, N.J., resident, claiming she refused to return…