A pre-nuptial agreement may not conjure up the most romantic thoughts, but in today’s world of career-oriented couples who wait later in life to marry, it can be a very reasonable and even responsible step to take before the wedding. Pre-nuptial agreements, if properly drawn up and executed, can provide…
New Jersey Family Law Blog
Facing the Financial Culture Shock of Divorce
One of the biggest obstacles couples face after divorce is adjusting to their new financial status. The joint income that previously sustained one household now has to cover two. Making sure your finances are in order is a big step toward getting on with your life post divorce, but it requires…
How Custody is Determined
One of the most difficult and emotionally charged decisions facing couples contemplating divorce involves the custody of the children. Most agree that, whenever possible, equal involvement in the child’s life on the part of both parents is the best solution. New Jersey family courts share this opinion but will put…
Divorce Issues Can Linger Long After the Final Decree Is Signed
January is often referred to as “Divorce Month” by some relationship professionals, while others think a more accurate description would be the month in which people start researching their options. In either case, there seems to be an increase in divorce activity, whether it’s initial inquiries or actual filings, at…
When Decisions Regarding Medical Treatment Are Not Ours to Make
The Connecticut Supreme Court last week upheld a lower court ruling forcing a 17-year-old cancer patient to undergo chemotherapy treatments despite her expressed objections to the treatments because, the court stated, the girl’s attorneys had failed to prove that she was mature enough to make such decisions.(1) This ruling has…
A Look at Stepparent Rights
Earlier this month, a blog written by Candice Curry and titled “An Open Letter to My Daughter’s Stepmom” gained mass media attention for dispelling the myths of the “evil step parent” and exploring the difficulties and benefits of co-parenting.(1) Material such as this leads to the question, what are the…
Court Ruling Could Clarify Employers’ Responsibilities toward Pregnant Employees
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear a case this month that could clarify what responsibilities employers have to their pregnant employees. At the heart of their decision is the determination of whether the Pregnancy Discrimination Act adopted in 1978 requires employers to treat pregnant workers like every other…
Another New Jersey Child Sues Parents for College Tuition; Lawmaker Seeks to Prevent Future Cases
New Jersey once again is grappling with the issue of how far parents’ financial obligations toward their children should go, particularly in relation to paying for their higher education. At least one State lawmaker is looking at ways to keep such decisions within the family and out of the courtroom.…
‘Gray Divorce’ Rates Are on the Rise
The U.S. continues to hold the highest divorce rate out of any other country with an estimated 45% of unions expected to end in divorce, according to a study released last month. And while this rate has remained relatively steady for the past 20 years, what is on the rise…
Teens Join State Lawmakers in Efforts to Reduce Suicide Rate among Young Adults
Although New Jersey ranks among the three states to claim the lowest suicide rate, suicide does remain a serious issue that has been attracting a lot of attention lately. Among the groups working to increase awareness of this growing problem is the group most affected by it – teens and…