
Articles Posted in Divorce


New Jersey: Final Restraining Order Reversed on Grounds that Complaint was Insufficient

Loveland v. Hauke, N.J.Super.A.D., 2007 (unpublished opinion). This is a domestic violence case where the plaintiff alleged defendant acted with a purpose or intent to harass. The plaintiff, in attempting to explain her fear, attempted to testify to incidents that were not outlined in her complaint. In fact, the plaintiff…


New Jersey Civil Unions

New Jersey joined the company of Connecticut and Vermont when it passed a Bill legalizing civil unions. See See The requirements for the dissolution of a civil union are quite similar to those for marriages. On February 19, 2007, N.J.S.A. 2A:34-2.1 came into effect, providing the state with…


Divorce & Custody Battle – Anne Heche and Coley Laffoon

On or about February 1, 2007, Actress Anne Heche was served with divorce papers from her husband of over five years, cameraman and “stay-at-home dad”, Coley Laffoon, who filed “irreconcilable differences”. However, it has been reported, but not confirmed, that the split was due to a budding relationship with Ms.…


Divorce – Custody, Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Phillippe

After seven years of marriage, Actress, Laura Jeanne “Reese Witherspoon” filed for divorce from Actor, Matthew “Ryan Phillippe” on November 8, 2006, on the grounds of “irreconcilable differences”. However, it has been circulated Mr. Phillippe had an affair with a co-star, was excessively partying, and indulged in drugs. Ms. Witherspoon…

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