Most people work hard to establish a good credit rating and even harder to maintain it once it is achieved. To have a good credit score jeopardized by the actions of another person would be devastating, but that’s what could happen if a husband and wife fail to discuss how…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Take Steps to Avoid Losing the Family Business to Divorce
Family-owned or controlled businesses are an important segment of the American economy. They account for about 90% of all American businesses, from large retailers like Walmart to small mom-and-pop shops, and produce more than half of the country’s gross domestic product. These businesses face all the same risks as publicly-owned businesses…
Fighting Over Fido: How Divorce Courts Decide the Fate of the Family Pet
For an animal lover, a pet is more than a possession – it’s a member of the family, and a beloved one at that. But what happens to that “family member” when the family unit dissolves through divorce? Most courts don’t share the sentiment that pets are family but rather…
Deciphering the Complicated Process of Property Distribution
The distribution of property in connection with a divorce is a complex legal issue. Even answers to seemingly simple questions like who should get a marital home that was purchased before the wedding may surprise you. Courts consider a number of factors when determining the distribution of property, including whether…
Why You May Need an Attorney to Negotiate Your Divorce
Victor Rotolo and the attorneys at the Victor Rotolo Law Firm have been offering legal counsel on all matters related to divorce — both simple and complex cases — since 1992. The internet may have made it easier to obtain a divorce without the help of an attorney, but would you…
Divorce Doesn’t Necessarily Preclude Your Right to Spousal Social Security Benefits
If you are divorced, nearing retirement age and have not yet remarried, you may be entitled to receive spousal Social Security benefits based on your ex’s work record, provided you meet certain qualifying criteria. Your eligibility for spousal benefits is not dependent on your ex’s current marital status, the number…
Why It Matters Who Files First for Divorce
Sometimes a spouse can be blind-sided by his or her partner’s request for a divorce. More often, however, both spouses share a sense that the relationship is broken and can’t be fixed. When it comes to that, does it matter who files first? According to some financial and legal divorce…
Changing Your Name Due to Marriage or Divorce? Use this Checklist
Changing your name in New Jersey requires court approval following a process designed to ensure the name change isn’t being requested for unlawful or deceptive purposes. The exception to this is a name change due to marriage and/or divorce. Adopting your spouse’s name after marriage or resuming your maiden name…
Is A Co-Parenting Custody Arrangement Right for You?
In a co-parenting custody arrangement, parents work together to maintain equal roles in raising their children. Proponents of this arrangement believe it provides a healthy environment particularly for the children by minimizing the disruption to their lives. There are other benefits, too. For one thing, children are exposed to positive…
Avoiding These Mistakes May Help You Get Through Your Divorce
Divorce, no matter how inevitable it might be, is an emotional roller coaster for everyone involved. Sadness, hurt, anger, relief, fear, anxiety are all feelings spouses and children alike may experience throughout the divorce process. And these feelings can get the better of you if you let them. One of…