When parents of minor children divorce, one of the most critical decisions for the court to consider is the legal and/or physical custody of those children. Factors the courts examine to resolve the question of custody include the health, financial state, and lifestyle of the parents, the stability of the…
New Jersey Family Law Blog
Moving Forward After Divorce
Divorce is a complex situation. Rarely can all the blame be attributed to one partner yet still, when a marriage fails, it is human nature to look inward to find the cause. Be careful, though. There is a thin line between self-reflection and self-blame. Self-blame can wear down your self-confidence…
Marital Abandonment Explained
Marital abandonment is when one spouse leaves the relationship without telling or consulting with the other spouse. This can be cited as grounds for divorce in states that allow for at-fault divorces as well as in hybrid states like New Jersey, which recognizes both no-fault and at-fault divorces. Because marital…
Questions to Consider Before Committing to Divorce
Most people do believe marriage is a life-long commitment, and they don’t take the vow “to death do us part” lightly. But every marriage has its ups and downs and the disappointments and frustrations that come with the lowest downs can cause couples to question whether they should stick it…
Can Terms of a Custody Agreement Be Changed?
When a divorce involves young children, one of the most important issues to consider is child custody. In New Jersey, the terms of the custody agreement can be negotiated by the parents or decided by a family court judge. If the parents work out the terms on their own, their…
How to Listen to Your Children When Divorcing
Divorce is a difficult, highly emotional transition. Everyone involved experiences a gamut of emotions – sadness, fear, grief, anger, and so on. It’s human nature to want to express those emotions and vent. As a parent, though, you are warned of the dangers of speaking ill of your ex-spouse in…
When the Risks for Divorce Are Highest
Most couples would agree that a successful marriage doesn’t just happen; it takes commitment, communication, and compromise. Yet even the most compatible couples face challenges, particularly when going through major life transitions – having children, major career changes, losing a job, retiring, facing a health crisis. Events like these present…
Your Spouse Asks for a Divorce, Now What?
Whether you saw it coming or not, once your spouse tells you they want a divorce, you’ll start to grapple with trying to understand what your future will look like. Your initial reaction may be to try and save your marriage but, if that fails, you’ll be left with a…
Divorce: Strategies for De-Escalating Financial Conflicts
Some of the biggest hurdles facing a divorcing couple, other than child custody issues, involve money matters. These fights can prove costly, both financially and emotionally. Long, drawn-out arguments over the distribution of assets or the terms of support obligations can extend proceedings and increase the overall cost of your…
Are Your Social Media Habits Jeopardizing Your Marriage?
For many people, social media is simply a way to keep in touch with extended family, reconnect with long-lost friends, share light-hearted memes, or otherwise expand their social and/or professional networks. But what may start out as innocent fun can have troubling consequences for couples who are not open about…